Anyone who has ever been through a breakup knows it’s not always easy to let go. Divorce can be especially difficult because it often involves children, conflicts about property, and other legal issues. Remember that it’s not a race to “get over it” and move on; you’ll have to cope with divorce in your own way. That said, there are a few general tips you can keep in mind to ease the process.
1) Think and plan ahead.
Keep in mind that there is life after divorce. After all, your decision to divorce was a choice designed to improve your future. As you move through the inevitable emotional difficulties of divorce, try your best not to dwell on the past, and keep that forward momentum going. You can adopt a mindset that focuses on the future by envisioning your possibilities, letting go of old regrets and bitter feelings, and making plans that will give you something to look forward to. Your plans could be anything from vacation time to a new career—just remember to make it about you.
2) Love yourself, but don’t take yourself too seriously.
Divorce isn’t all doom-and-gloom. In fact, some people have even thrown post-divorce parties to help themselves get through it. That’s not to say you should break out the balloons and streamers, but it helps to have fun and laugh at yourself (and at life in general) every once in awhile. In the process of lightening up, you’ll feel better about yourself overall. Divorce is hard, but it shouldn’t make you forget two essential skills: the ability to laugh at yourself and love yourself at the same time.
3) Make time for yourself.
Your divorce may be about two people, but the coping process is all about you. It’s important to be kind to yourself and make time to do the things you love and need. Maybe weekly therapy will give you the confidence and guidance to get you through this process. Even if you can only spare an hour or a few minutes a day to meditate, walk, take a bath, or drink tea, be diligent about setting aside that time and claiming it as your own.
4) Ask for help when you need it.
Always remember the family and friends who are willing and able to lend you support when you need it. You’ll be working through plenty of emotions over the course of your divorce, and it can often be helpful to have someone there as a sounding board or confidant. You might also consider classes, like yoga or guided meditations, or professional help, like a therapist or divorce coach. Any of these options can provide you with a safe and healthy outlet for your emotions.
At Easterling Law, we understand the hardships that divorcing couples go through, but we’ve also seen countless happy families and success stories come out from those difficult times. Call our compassionate staff if you should ever need help with a separation agreement, absolute divorce, child custody, or post-divorce issues. We will do our very best to accommodate your needs.