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Providing Family Law Services in Charlotte, NC

A Better Way To Start The Next Chapter

Life brings many changes, and how we handle them can define our experiences and outcomes. Despite what many people assume, divorce does not have to be a time filled with animosity, anger, and fighting. There is a method and specific approach to divorce that aligns more closely with cooperation rather than confrontation. This method not only maintains dignity but also respects everyone involved. It allows for decisions to be made thoughtfully, ensuring they suit all parties involved. Collaborative divorce is not about being adversarial but about cooperation and respect. Both parties work with trained professionals to ensure a fair and equitable solution.

Why Collaborative Divorce Is Different (In A Good Way)

Divorce doesn’t have to mean court battles and public records. Collaborative divorce offers a different path. In this process, both partners agree from the start to avoid the courtroom, committing instead to work together through their attorneys to negotiate the terms of their divorce. This agreement includes both sides’ promises to share all necessary information openly. Unlike traditional processes, this approach fosters a spirit of cooperation. Documents are exchanged informally, easing tensions and promoting open dialogue. 

Financial matters are often a significant concern during divorces. In a collaborative setting, a financial neutral works with the couple. This person, usually a certified financial planner trained in collaborative divorce, charges less per hour than a lawyer and helps provide clear insights into the financial intricacies of dividing assets. Collaborative divorce allows for friendly document exchanges and open financial disclosures, which is less intimidating and more conducive to agreement.

Most people aren’t skilled at hiding their financial details, which makes transparency easier to achieve in this setting. A financial neutral can help manage and trace assets efficiently, ensuring fair distribution. Specialized business valuators can also be engaged to handle more complex evaluations, safeguarding the interests of both parties.

Collaborative Divorce Means More Control

One of collaborative divorce’s best attributes is the creative freedom it offers. It moves beyond the constraints of typical legal battles, where a judge, who only knows the couple for a limited time, makes life-altering decisions. Instead, decisions are made by those who know the details of their lives. You and your spouse are in a position of power to determine how your divorce gets resolved. Collaborative divorce aims to deliver a solution that works for the individuals involved.

Collaborative divorce provides a platform for creativity beyond the strictures of the law. It empowers couples to design solutions that a judge might never consider due to the limited scope of the courtroom. Collaboration allows couples to control the outcomes, aligning with their goals and future needs. Taking power back this way reduces the burden often associated with divorce.  

The process keeps personal financial information from public records, allowing the couple to find creative, respectful ways to divide shared assets. This method of divorce takes a situation that is typically adversarial and turns it into a cooperative and respectful negotiation. Much of this rests on the commitment not to pursue litigation. When that threat is gone, all that remains is negotiation. Should you and your spouse choose to litigate, you must find new attorneys because they are still bound by the original agreement. 

Learn More About Collaborative Divorce 

Collaborative divorce redefines how couples can resolve their differences during a separation. It is an empowering choice that prioritizes privacy, respect, and cooperation. If you are considering a divorce and want to maintain control over your decisions and keep your personal life private, this might be your path.

Let’s connect and discuss how collaborative divorce could be the right approach for you. Schedule a consultation to discuss collaborative divorce with us.